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Message09/04/2019, 18 06 14 (UTC)    
Sujet du message: Is it worth getting fluent at VBA with Excel?

I have been brushing up on Excel heavily and have gotten through most of it in a Udemy course that I bought. Speed Test Scrabble Word Finder Solitaire The last couple lessons are Visual Basic Code and deals with a lot of coding. The thing is I am already planning to learn other programming languages on the side such as Java and Python. Should I finish the VBA segments on the Excel course? Is it still worth to have under my belt in terms of job related duties?

Dernière édition par saviogomes le 09.04.2019, 19:15; édité 1 fois
Message09/04/2019, 21 09 47 (UTC)    
Sujet du message:


Je crois que tu te trempe d'adresse....Ceci est un forum francophone. Si tu as des questions sur la boite de construction de, pose les en français pour faire profiter tout le monde sinon dirige toi sur un forum anglophone.
Bonne continuation.

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